justice, equity, inclusion, & diversity education

Educational Programming
Educational programming/training in-person or virtual, and we deliver our content in a variety of formats, platforms, and lengths.
curriculum design
Design curriculum for in-person facilitated delivery and/or e-learning module platforms that are licensed for a specified timeframe.

Train-the-trainer sessions in order to educate facilitators to deliver licensed SRS content.
justice, equity, inclusion, & diversity strategy
Individual or group focused on responding to questions, providing feedback, discussing topical issues and/or addressing practical/situational examples.

Consulting on a variety of topics/situations in a short-term or retainer agreement.

comprehensive review
Comprehensive reviews of policies, procedures, practices, and/or traditions with actionable feedback.

customizable climate, culture, and demographic assessment (CCDA)
Customizable Climate, Culture, and Demographic Assessment (CCDA) focused on honing an understanding of how individuals experience the group, their feelings of belonging, and how individuals' actions impact the group, especially for humans holding marginalized identities.

listening sessions
The sessions are restorative justice focused and a space for stakeholders to provide perspective to address challenges within the organization/company. Our team delivers listener training, support in determining the format and questions, can host and moderate the listening session(s), and can be available to offer recommendations for organizational action based on the information gleaned.